Thursday, January 6, 2011

Family Ancestors

I love trips that aren't planned. Those spur of the moment trips. Not ones you have to stay over night and bring an extra set of clean underwear to but just local trips. The other day we decided to go to Tim's family's beginnings in Florida and ventured to Lake City. I am now hating Map Quest which took us off course to a place that wasnt even on the map. Two hours off course. We couldnt find the church or the family cemetery. But it was ok because Tim was in a driving mood....that would explain the two hours off course...and asking for directions in a small town turned out to be a lost cause. The local gas station had no clue where the church or road we were looking for was. Same with a few stores we stopped in. I had a list of the family who were buried at the cemetery and on the page was the vague directions that I didnt think either of us would understand. Then as we stood ready to give up I saw 441 and said hmmm that sounds familiar. And 441 was from the vague directions and after reading over those  I would have to say they turned out to be the best directions as they got us to our destination....shame on Map Quest.
It was amazing how many kin folk were buried in this small cemetery. I took a picture of almost everyone's grave and then we were on our way. The church right next to the cemetery wasn't open for we would have loved to have seen inside. Maybe next time. Next place to go....  Mount Tabor Cemetery in Columbia County. A genealogist dream is to be able to help piece together family and be able to leave something for the next generation. I love this hobby.


  1. Debi,

    Hi! Found you through Twitter. Thanks for following Creative Kitchen! I also life in Florida, my husband is a native. My grandparents got into geneaology poor grandpa is addicted. 82 yrs old and spends sometimes up to 10 hrs a day at

    But he has accomplished so much for the rest of us!

  2. Hi Denise! My great grandfather did the same thing but he had passed away in the 70s and would have loved the internet. He did genealogy the old fashion way. Going to historic societies and picking families brains. He is the one that got me into wanting to know more about the family.
    And you are very welcome!
